100 Things to Tell Your Pen Pal
- Places you’ve traveled.
- Your family members, and something they each like or dislike.
- What you’d put in a time capsule.
- Parts of society that you’d like to change.
- Things you’re really good at.
- Everything you’ve eaten in the past 24 hrs.
- Things that you do every day.
- Your favorite TV shows, movies, music, books.
- Unusual facts about yourself.
- Things that make you happy.
- Your work or daily duties.
- What you’re currently seeing, smelling, hearing, tasting, feeling.
- What you collect.
- Goals for this month or year.
- Awards you’ve won.
- Nicknames you’ve had and how you’ve gotten them.
- Sports you’ve played and/or hobbies you’ve had.
- Your favorite color.
- Your favorite meal.
- Your favorite drink.
- Your favorite season.
- Your favorite word.
- Your favorite number.
- Your favorite holiday.
- Your favorite quote.
- Your favorite superhero.
- The type of letters/mail you like to recieve.
- The most adventurous thing you’ve ever done.
- Whether you believe in God, ghosts, aliens, magic.
- How tall you are.
- When is your birthday?
- What is the last movie you’ve watched?
- How would you describe your fashion style?
- Your life story in six words.
- What shoes you wear the most.
- Any fears you have.
- What were you like in high school?
- Weird/awkward dates you’ve been on.
- Something illegal you’ve done.
- Why you like mail.
- The silliest thing you did in the past week.
- What you would wish for right now.
- The best job you ever had.
- A funny and embarrassing story.
- Something silly you thought was true as a child.
- What you’d do at your wedding.
- A time you met someone famous.
- Something you wish you had done in the past but didn’t.
- If you spent the day at a beach, what activities would you partake in?
- What kind of dreams do you have(non-sexual)?
- The last time you did something new for the first time.
- The kindest thing a stranger has ever done for you.
- The kindest thing you have ever done for a stranger.
- Places you’d like to travel.
- Your guilty pleasures.
- How you procrastinate.
- Your tattoos, peircings, birthmarks, scars, etc.
- Your nervous habits.
- Areas of life you’re confident enough to give advice in.
- Your pet peeves.
- What you’d want to do if you were in New York City for a day.
- Your ideal party.
- Something that cheers you up without fail.
- How you sleep at night (clothes, doors, temperature, sleep positions, etc).
- How you store your recieved mail.
- Do you believe in fate, destiny or luck?
- What you thought you’d be when you grew up.
- Your heritage.
- What you’re attracted to in a new friend (or romantic partner).
- Do you sing in the shower?
- The best piece of mail you’ve ever received.
- Do you dance?
- Have you ever done anything that made your stomach flip?
- One thing in your day that you can’t live without.
- A food you absolutely hate.
- What are you most grateful for in your life?
- Three things you have faith in.
- If you could read one persons mind, who would it be?
- Did you thank anyone today?
- To whom is the last person you said ‘I Love You’?
- On a scale from 1-10 how clean do you keep your home?
- What did you find inspiring today?
- Something you are proud of.
- Something you are ashamed of.
- Something you regret.
- Your favorite part or time period in your life.
- Strangest job you ever had.
- 5 passions you have.
- 3 significant memories from your childhood.
- 5 people who have influenced you.
- 3 legitimate fears.
- 5 hobbies.
- What do you think people misunderstand the most about you?
- Pet peeves.
- A drunken story.
- Last argument you had.
- Something you are currently worrying about.
- A song (and the lyrics) that apply to your current feelings.
- How would you spend $10,000?
- If you won the lottery…
Looking for a pen pal
Thank you 🙏🏽
Very helpful… doing a few at a time
this is unuseful
Thank you for sharing this content. All of these are excellent. I will save it for my pen pal when I am out of topic. This blog is worth reading.